Emotive Media Loves That We Sleep

Emotive Media Loves That We Sleep

Remember, in days long ago righteous Lot was vexed (oppressed) by seeing and hearing the lawless deeds of the wicked. His soul was tormented as he “tuned in,” so to speak, to the media broadcasts of Sodom on a daily basis. (2 Peter 2:7-8) What we see and hear can have great power over us. This is why the media is so important. (90)

–Fred Gorini, Truth Be Told

“The only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is… an entire generation, that never knew anything that didn’t come out of this tube. This tube is the gospel, the ultimate revelation.” –from the film Network

This week, the second of two pressure cooker bombers was caught in Boston. The chase and capture was “breaking news” every moment, for days. There was the usual ruining of the suspects’ families; the peripheal characters in the main players’ lives… and the unrepentant media talking heads unable to hide their smirking pleasure at having a Big Story to nibble upon.

There were the surviving victims, and those who acted heroically on that day, bravely smiling as fame briefly washed over them. They were quickly duped into these inspirational segments we see after a tragedy. Sometimes I wish the “heroes” would refuse to be interviewed. Just once.  But in the aftermath of these things, no one hesitates; every one feeds him- or herself into the machine.

The only people obligated to get a statement are the cops and feds, correct? Is there some kind of pressure to talk to media if you’re involved in something like this?

Then the second suspect was nabbed and people’s pent-up tension, stoked by the reality drama scripted for us, exploded with relief. Watching people celebrate the capture or murder of someone always feels queasy. A lot of these folks, who likely also cheered the deaths of Saddam, Ghaddafi, Tim McVeigh, Osama bin Laden, etc, will justify those expressions of joy. Some will even call themselves Christian.


The Boston Marathon bombings, as most of us will label that act in our memories, have led to the usual trickle of stories and speculation. It is frightening how the coverage slant has followed an old template… and how predictable the public’s reaction is.

Just as this new age [of the Internet and other advanced multimedia] could become a boon to mankind, allowing the propagation of knowledge to enlighten humanity, writes veteran broadcaster Tim Watts,  it could also become a dangerous shackle by disillusioning man with disinformation and propaganda. The dissemination of media was only as good as those that created and delivered it.


Most people believe that Jesus lived and died; but they don’t believe that Jesus miraculously raised up from the dead. They think he was a great teacher and maybe even a healer… just like many other “sons and daughters of God.” Thanks to culture-shaping projects like The DaVinci Code, the average American has perverted views of Christ. Even some “Christians” don’t truly believe in the third part of the story.

TV producers are sure to capture the crucifix, positioned next to an alcoholic drink. This is a spiritual warfare tactic.

No resurrection, and he was not the Son of God, the doubters say. Many of these people have never even read a history book, much less the Bible with any true curiosity. Yet they feel qualified to dismiss our Lord Jesus based on what they consume from wicked versions of Christianity on Saturday Night Live, The Simpsons, reality shows, and mainstream news sources.

On numerous occasions, the Bible calls people who don’t believe in God, blaspheme or reproach Him, or disrespect Him in general “fools.” Yes, fools.

Those who reject the Lord of the Bible have a good reason to turn away. At least from a natural, worldly viewpoint. Why? Because the difference between Jesus Christ and all other “religions” and teachers, is that He is the only one to say I am the ONLY way.

Most people are offended by that, because the world (under influence of the devil) is constantly saying “It’s all about YOU, baby.” Think about all of the adverts and movies and music–the theme in almost all of them is “I did it my way.” Frank Sinatra’s song is considered a venerable classic, and we all at least know someone who claims it as a motto. But it is a fool’s gospel.

Men and women are off-center by nature. Doing it our way always leads to horror; doing it God’s way bears good fruit. Those who doubt this simply have not tried His way yet. It’s like a man dying from disease, and when he’s offered a sure cure, he refuses. He’s no doctor or scientist; he has never studied medicine unless you count episodes of Doogie Howser or ER. Yet he turns the cure down on his own recognizance. Anyone would call a man like this a fool. But that’s exactly what the unsaved do, every day, when they harden their hearts against the Holy Spirit.

Pray that they realize: God is the only Physician we need. We are dying of sin and need Him.

The wisdom of Jesus surpasses anything that the smartest people on Earth could offer. Unfortunately, He is sometimes judged by the mistakes of his followers… and by those who purposely pollute Christ’s message.


Ultimately it is that issue of Him standing alone that keeps people from humbling themselves to the Lord. Conceding all the glory to Him simply galls people on a physical level. Anyone who’s ever tried to win the soul of someone who fiercely despises Christ understands what I’m describing.

But that’s an important part of salvation: admitting that we are sinners and that He is greater than we. If anyone disagrees with the “Jesus is the only way” part, they are not biblical. They can say they’re Christians and love Jesus all they want, but making Him one of many paths means they have changed what the Word says.

What’s the belief in Jesus’ singularity, resurrection and deity have to do with terrorism? Tim Watts: The current media of the United States is controlled by a mere half dozen owners and CEOs. Those six individuals have total control over what you see and how your news and information in the world is shaped and presented to you.

In other words, as Acts 4:20 declares, For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. Pity the child born in the 21st century who never receives Jesus, but only pop culture’s offerings. Garbage in, garbage out. How can we expect that child to respect anything?


“Reality” television show promotes a cross-dressing man and his consenting wife, as he struggles to come to terms.

Pastor Gorini writes, The secular media bombards us with images of how we should view our world. We are pressured daily to do this and become that.

Worst of all, the present day media broadcasts make us question our faith in the all-loving Creator (Father God) of the Bible, His Son Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. Through the promotion of what is called “alternative lifestyles,” we are made to view ourselves as grasshoppers among giants.

This is the ancient strategy of the wicked one that has been at work among us since the days of the Garden of Eden. The enemy used it against the first man and woman, against Old Testament Israel, and is still using it today against the New Testament church. (90-91)

Married man dressed as a blonde woman.

According to Gorini and many others, those who shape our vision in these days have created the modern version of Nephilim… giants… superstars… celebrities and other power brokers. When all you consume is the media version of events, and versions pouring from the people in your life, you are lost.

The corporations and politicians and “banksters” have a particular future in mind for us. The Bible has a different and better one. We all choose what and who we are influenced by. God graciously gave us a lifetime to choose which.


Jesus said all that you need to inherit heaven was believe on Him. Believe that He is the Living Word of God. In order to do this properly, we must know what that Word says. By the grace of God, a King James Version is simple enough for a sixth grader to read. All that’s required is this belief that He’s the only one; that we are helpless to save ourselves by being “good people” and piling up kind acts.

If we believe, then the Bible promises us a spot in heaven. In fact our rewards will be measured out depending on our faith and our work in the kingdom while here on Earth.

None of redemption could have been made possible if it weren’t for the Lord’s virgin birth (Matthew 1:23), sinless life (Hebrews 4:15), death (Romans 5:6), burial (John 19:38, 1st Corinthians 15:1-4), resurrection three days later (1st Corinthians 15:1-4), His ascension into Heaven (Acts 1:9-11) and the application of Jesus’ literal, physical, blood to the heavenly mercy seat (Hebrews 9:12,22-24).

Christ raised up and ascended into Heaven with the shed blood, applying it to the mercy seat in the presence of the Father, obtaining eternal redemption for every human being.

Salvation is a free gift to those who receive the gospel as full-payment for their sins.

Greater is he that is in you [Christ], than he that is in the world, says the Bible in 1 John chapter 4. Who is this “he who is in the world?” That’s talking about the devil and the people who do his will, not the Lord’s.

The Good News is, partly, that the enemy is destined to lose and be cast into hell… along with those who rejected God in the form of Jesus Christ. Once we fully realize what Christ did for us, then the broadcasts of this world shrink to their proper size. The broadcast that the Christian desires is from the Lord.