Therapy That Nauseates: The Talk Show Circuit

Therapy That Nauseates: The Talk Show Circuit

“Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not?…” —Mark 8:18

Exposing the deceptions of this world can be frustrating, or even dangerous depending on who you’re talking with. Usually, pointing out the lies using the Holy Bible is merely good enough to get you mocked or ignored or patronized.

I was speaking with a Christian sister who absolutely can’t get enough of Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Iyanla Vanzant, Tony Robbins, and many other entertainment talk and courtroom shows. This sister has told me that this website ministry can be a bit too strident… that if a preacher wants to get people to listen and maybe be led to the Lord of the Bible, he should be softer and gentler. I asked, “Then why do you like Judge Judy? She may be saying some true things, but she is just short of cruel in the way she says them. Why can a secular person be authoritative, while the preacher of the word of God must be retiring and hand-wringing and conciliatory to this world’s deceptions?” The sister paused and answered, “…I just like her,” and laughed. I thought it best to end the conversation there….

Christians: Do you spend more time with Judge Judy and other reality-type shows than with the Holy Bible?

Christians: Do you spend more time with Judge Judy and other reality-type shows than with the Holy Bible?

It is amazingly sad that most people will not listen to the truth of God’s words… will not allow the most incredible thing in the universe to guide their hearts. If the Bible-rejecters were simply unsaved and openly heathen, that turning away would be understandable. However, many self-labeled Christians are the ones who scoff at what Jesus Christ said.

Christians: Do you actually believe what’s in that book? Or do you pick and choose? The Bible is not a buffet, brothers. The Lord dishes it out, and you and I are supposed to hold up our plate and take it! That’s very simple. But we are evolved and progressive and technological, so we complicate things and screw it up.


One major deception in our time is that almost everyone has given themselves over to worldly wisdom, in favor of the Bible. Even believers seem to find it difficult to trust what God says, above what celebrities and “intelligent” experts say.

Maybe it makes sense, when we plunk in front of the television and computer for hours per day. The famous people become familiar and comfortable. Other people on the viewing screen and in our everyday lives also trust those appointed as experts.

Dr. Phil McGraw, for example, claims to have the answers to many of life’s problems. He is generally viewed as a believer. But he never mentions the Word of God.  His website gives no impression that he is a Christian. We are not personally judging or condemning Dr. Phil — merely pointing out that a self-professed Christian will always hold up the Bible as the ultimate source of truth and wisdom.

A saved believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should never put a therapist’s learnings and degrees and opinions above the Bible. Modern psychology is rooted in atheism, evolution and humanism. A Christian should honestly avoid even viewing these talk shows as entertainment. The producers and stars are exploitative of people with problems. Even though some of those people may be helped, Dr. Phil and

Ever notice that about 4 of 5 spectators in "court room shows" are female? Could be that producers want to put eye candy before the channel-flipper... or that women are more easily deceived and drawn in by this 'entertainment.'

Ever notice that about 4 of 5 spectators in “court room shows” are female? Could be that producers want to put eye candy before the channel-flipper… and/or that women are more easily deceived and drawn in by this ‘entertainment.’

others like him never seem to mention Christ as the ultimate answer and healer. So “good ole boy” sayings that might contain some truth are still lacking.


We are in perilious times, not only because of crime and wrath that are currently increasing… but because as a whole we don’t want to abide in the truth. We don’t want sound doctrine. Most of us don’t want Jesus to run our lives, even when we say otherwise.

What we obviously want is snark wisdom like that dispensed from Judge Judy Scheindlin: “Clearly you are not wrapped too tight”… “Do I have ‘stupid’ written over my forehead?” … “Beauty fades, dumb is forever.” These ‘Judyisms’, like Dr. Phil’s sayings, sound like common sense and good advice. But the good judge would benefit her thousands of plantiffs and defendants by giving them what Christ prescribes.

Dr. Phil tells people to “get real.”  If he is truly a Christian, he is certainly a modernist with new age leanings.  New age is all about self, about finding, as Dr. Phil calls it, your “authentic you.”

2 John 1:7

2 John 1:7

You don’t need to find yourself, you need to find Jesus Christ, and then you’ll know who you really are.  What does the Bible say?  Proverb 20:24: “Man’s goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?”  Without God, you’ll only find a false religion of demonic spirituality and worldly philosophies.

Galatians 6 tells the believer to spread the gospel in all meekness, it is true. However, meekness should not equal fearfulness. A Christian who withholds the truth in order to keep the peace is on the sidelines of this spiritual war. God wants us to be peaceful warriors.

Counterfeit Christianity: Knowing Good From Bad

Counterfeit Christianity: Knowing Good From Bad

Alicia Keys mentions a creator without including the Lord of everything, Jesus Christ: "I think being really connected to a higher power, of having a spirituality to me, has been really good for me and I pray all the time."

Alicia Keys mentions a creator without including the Lord of everything, Jesus Christ: “I think being really connected to a higher power, of having a spirituality to me, has been really good for me and I pray all the time.”

excerpt from Pastor David Williams:

1. People we approve of and take pleasure in have control over, and access to, our hearts and minds. What we value has influence over us.

Like the entertainer, Ellen DeGeneres: Because she makes people feel good, it doesn’t matter to them that she is also promoting the gay agenda, which is currently destroying the planet.

What do I mean by ‘destroying the planet’? That’s a hard accusation.

The fact is, God loves people, and He wants people to be an expression of Himself. Homosexuality is a contradiction of the expression of God. We know that based on the fact that God made us male and female. He is to represent the male, and humanity represents the female, and He wants us to come together as one.

God made man for perfect love and fellowship.

The male-female relationship exemplifies that. Ellen DeGeneres represents a paradox, a contradiction, to that. She is a female sexually engaged with other females. Gay marriage is counterfeit marriage.

There are people within the congregation of the church who like her… they watch her and speak well of her… because she makes them feel good.

2. Society is filled with soothsayers. That word ‘soothe-sayer’ is describing a motivational speaker, a psychic, a life coach, an advisor, a counselor, a guide, a guru, a teacher, a minister, a diviner, a wise man… their job is to make you feel good.

We know these speakers are good when you’re motivated to do the right thing… when they’re motivating you to do what God wants you to do.

But when they’re motivating you to walk away from the Lord, they’re bad. Society’s soothsayers are capable of influencing our thoughts, our beliefs and our behavior. They are able to control what we do, and that will lead to the blessing or the curse of God.

Oprah Winfrey is a major player in the control of ideas and beliefs. She’s a major instrument in the kingdom of darkness, as it relates to counterfeit Christianity. She consistently merges Christian themes with false religious themes, and new age, and secular humanism themes.

There are many people who go to church, who don’t know whether she’s godly or not. On her platform, she invites speakers like T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Iyanla Vanzant, Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra…

The Bible describes these people are soothsayers, or witches. Oprah is a facilitator for the ‘truths’ or the lies being released by the mainstream media.

3. An evil advisor will gain influence by affirming a person’s sensual desires, whether good or bad.

How do you know if someone is an evil advisor? They will support an individual,whether godly or profofane. Our society judges things not on the word of God, but  on our own thoughts and feelings.

Maya Angelou: The house is not your home; the car is not your home; the [clothes are] not your home. The home is intangible, that invisible thing which is so deep in usSo she’s saying that our home, our place of safety is where? In us.

The commercialization of both Easter and Christmas have almost completely wiped Jesus away as the basis of these celebrations. Will the next generation know Him?

The commercialization of both Easter and Christmas have almost completely wiped Jesus away. For the world, these are “feel-good” holidays. But without Christ they are hollow celebrations.

She’s saying that you can find peace, your home, your place of acceptance in your mother’s arms, in the arms of a lover, in the smile of a friend, in your local church… your synogogue, most of which are antichristian… in your local mosque, which is where Muslims gather…

She is saying that true peace can be obtained no matter what you’re doing, no matter who is influencing you. As long as you feel good, you are at home.

That was the message of Lucifer in the garden.

The devil has released Maya Angelou’s influence into many churches and lives, of people who suport the life and words she spoke as a poet. “It’s empowering to say God loves me,” Angelou once said. “I can do anything and do it well because God loves me.”

Did you know God requires you to love Him back? God loves you, so he sent his son to die for your sins. If you reject that sacrifice, you are spurning and rejecting God’s love. The only way to be empowered by God’s love is to accept Jesus Christ.

4. The inspiration of false advisors is the spirit of antichrist.

Antichrist spirits deny love peace and eternal life are from and through Jesus Christ alone.

Antichrist minimizes, or makes small, the commands of righteous that Jesus spoke. This spirit says, “Ah… Jesus … he was just one of many… I can decide for myself what’s good. Even if I take a little bit from Jesus, a little from Gandhi, from Deepak Chopra, Maya Angelou…” that’s what the devil wants you to do.

Antichrist denies the state of the human heart, which is self-worshiping, selfish, rebellious, and idolatrous. That is our true state apart from Jesus. Apart from Jesus you are a rebel.. you are a criminal in the eyes of God.

God wants to restore you from that condition. But antichrist will tell you, “You’re fine just as you are.”

Maya Angelou said just months before her death, “Listen to yourself, and in that quiet-tude, you might hear the voice of God.” Besically, that you have to go inward to find God. Even if you’ve never heard the Holy Spirit, even if you’re not looking for Jesus, anybody can the voice of God if they just get quiet enough and listen to themselves.

Antichrist rejects the necessity of the repentence of sin. “Trust yourself, trust your instincts, trust your heart”… that’s the demon spirit of antichrist.

Antichrist distorts the definition of right and wrong, good and evil. It makes good evil, and evil good. It wants social unity and harmony, with or without Jesus. The Lord of creation… the One who controls everything… He destroyed the Tower of Babel in the book of Genesis because in people’s independence they had rejected the Lord. What antichrist is doing is trying to restore this unity today, and once they’ve done that, will  get rid of anything that messes with that unity… and guess who the enemy of the sinners’ unity is? Jesus Christ.


Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey

5. Uniting with a false teacher will expose us to the fallen spirit which is operating through that guide. Which results in us being under subjection to that  spirit as well.

So how many of you have quoted Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise” or listened to her speeches or posted her words on social media? Many young women stood up in church and quoted her. Why? Because they weren’t taught the difference between what is holy and what is profane…. what is pure from what is polluted.

The only way we can know the good from the bad is by following Jesus Christ. Following those who teach the truth about Jesus Christ. Allowing the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with the love and knowledge of God.

This all starts with you acknowledging that you are not okay as you are… that God will not accept you as a sinner unless you want to change your life based on what Jesus said in the Bible.

Repent and be baptized, and receieve Jesus Christ…  what does that mean? You must make a conscious decision: I am wrong, Jesus Christ is right.